We help ad agencies double client capacity without extra staff using our all-in-one platform

Everything you need to service clients better.

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"Basely is like Shopify,
but for agencies."


The new smart way

Built on +8 yrs of industry insights to streamline ad agencies.

Reduce workload

All-in-one reporting and control panel

Get a detailed reporting tab for each client and also all client reporting data in one easy dashboard. No more switching between platforms.

Spend less time on monitoring.

Connect unlimited integrations.

Setup in a few minutes.

Reduce workload

Automated SOP's for service delivery

Automated SOP's for
service delivery

Set up each service delivery once as a template and deploy with a single click for each new client. Simple and extremely easy.

Make less errors, be more accurate.

Spend much less time on service delivery.

Increase client retention rate.

Setup in a few minutes.

"It's much easier to run an agency now. Basely is like Shopify, but for agencies."

Emil Nissen @ Partner, LAZZAWEB

Join the new ad agency revolution

Join other successful ad agencies and freelancers who manages their agency in a smarter with Basely.

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Work together more efficiently

Task management

Streamline client management with easy access to create and share tasks with clients.

Easily share tasks with the team or the client.

Update task status with a single click.

Add comments directly on tasks.

Give your client a premium feeling

Custom branded client portal

Enhance client interaction with a custom branded portal. Assign tasks, share notes, and provide a simple performance dashboard.

Increase client retention rate.

Increase transparency.

Setup with a single click.

"Finally, agencies can break free from the fragmented and inefficient tech stack."

Mathias Riis @ Partner, Leadmotor

Join the new ad agency revolution

Join other successful ad agencies and freelancers who manages their agency in a smarter with Basely.

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Get a 14-day free trial

With us, you'll have access to unlimited features and a payment plan that aligns with the size of your ad agency.

Basely PRO+


/mo. per client

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Customizable reporting. One for each client and one dashboard.

Automated SOP's

Create service SOP's once. Deploy easily for each new client.

Task management

Manage all your team’s tasks. Easily share tasks with clients.

Custom client portal

Share all tasks, notes and performance with your clients.


Measure client satisfaction easily. Work with numbers, not feelings.


Write and organize notes easily.


We've built a dashboard, specific for agencies. Work smarter.

Touchpoint tracking

Set the frequency to talk to your client, and we'll remind you.

Agreement expiration

Set the expiration of your agreement, and we'll remind you.

Everything you need to service clients better and increase lifetime value.

Basely ApS © Copyright 2024. All rights reserved.

Made with 💙 in Copenhagen

Need help? E-mail us at Kasper@basely.io